Founded in 2001, DMR Communications is the voice and high speed internet provider built to serve small and medium businesses. Over the past 15 years, we’ve deployed a reliable, fully redundant gigabit Ethernet fiber ring, supplying our customers with high speed internet via Metro-Ethernet, DSL, and T1 service.
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) represents the latest in phone system technology. With it, regular voice calls are sent over an IP network instead of traditional phone lines. The shift to IP-enabled services represents the most fundamental change in communications networks in recent years. Today, IP is driving the same kind of revolution in voice and other applications that it provided in the data-networking world. This revolution in technology is enabling new kinds of internet services, including VoIP. DMR Communications is the telecommunications provider that can fulfill your business needs today and can also provide you with the services you will need to grow in the future.